Introduction: Do you need a shower chair after hip replacement
Did you have hip replacement surgery in the past week? If yes, we have one great piece of advice for you. You must use a shower chair in the post-surgery period and avoid taking a bath while standing.
Bathroom commode chairs for patients are available at local medical stores. If you take a bath while standing and have hip replacement surgery, trust us, this practice will make your post-surgery healing phase severe. Intense pressure will come on your hips.
That is why you will always need a shower chair after hip replacement. The below-mentioned details will further explain what happens when you use a shower chair. And what negative results do you encounter when you avoid using these chairs meant for the respective category of patients. We will be discussing more about do you need a shower chair after hip replacement in this entire post
Why is it important to use a shower chair after hip replacement?
The importance of using a shower chair after hip replacement surgery should not be neglected. If you or any of your family members recently had hip surgery, you must get a bathroom commode shower chair for him to make his post-surgery healing period complete smoothly.
Taking a bath on a shower chair does not put slight pressure on your hips. You can comfortably shower, bringing your body into a safe sitting posture. Furthermore
Those who had hip surgery must have experienced that showering seems a very challenging task during the post-healing time. That is why specific shower chairs are made now. You can get them easily from the local medical stores.
Successful surgery remains assured if you opt for every preventive measure during the pre and post-surgery phases. Doctors have advised arranging the bathroom of a patient properly. Like, making slight modifications in his bathroom remains a must. Placing a commode chair, shower chair, and other things is mandatory.
In addition, a shower chair prevents bending your hips more than 90 degrees. Look for metal shower chairs, as they are more durable than plastic chairs. Besides, pick up the chair that is 17 inches higher than the floor.

More benefits of using a shower chair after a hip replacement surgery
- Using a shower chair keeps your body balanced while taking a bath. It ensures even weight distribution, and no pressure is injected into the body that has undergone a surgical phase.
- These chairs let you post-operatively sit, take a bath, and wash your hair without the danger of slipping or discomfort.
- Some shower chairs can also be used as bathroom commode chairs. They make it easy for you to access the toilet without requiring the assistance of another person.
- Besides, shower chairs bring down unwanted pressure on the knees and maintain the 90-degree hip flexion rule.
- It is suggested to get a shower chair that comes with arm rails. In this way, you can safely and comfortably get up and down. Chairs with arm rails prevent the hip from bending at a 90-degree angle.
- Few shower chairs offer adjustable leg height options.
What happens when you do not use a shower chair after hip replacement surgery?
- The post-surgery healing period success rate becomes zero.
- It gets difficult for the patient to bath, sit on the toilet seat and rinse his hair.
- Immense pressure comes on the hips when a patient takes a bath in a standing pose.
- Pressure on the knees becomes massive.
Other preventive measures to keep in mind
You must remember these preventive measures if you have undergone hip replacement surgery and entered the post-surgery recovery phase. Though the significance of using a shower chair has its place, but there are other items as well that have to be placed in the patient’s bathroom:
Install vertical and horizontal grab bars in the bathroom
Apart from keeping a shower chair, you must install vertical and horizontal grab bars as a support system in the bathroom. Most importantly, the horizontal grab bar supports your whole body while you are in the bathtub. And the vertical grab bars make it easy for you to get up from the toilet seat. Avoid using tower racks for getting up. They seem weak and might break if you use them to get up.
Raise the toilet seat
Raising the toilet seat is necessary if you are recovering from a post-hip replacement surgery phase. It is assumed that raising the toilet seat will not let the hip bend and thus ensures safety. Or you can get a detachable and elevated seat cover.
Besides, a raised toilet seat minimizes falling risk and does not place pressure on the knees or hips. You can use the toilet seat without experiencing discomfort or uneasiness.
Placing a non-slippery rubber suction mat on the bathroom floor
Lastly, placing a non-slippery rubber suction mat on the bathroom floor would be best. This practice will create the safest environment for the patient. He will no longer slip or fall.
Remember that even a slight slip or minor fall can prove to be extremely risky for the pre and post-surgery recovery phase. That is why taking every preventive measure is a must. Get a good-quality rubber suction mat and place it in the bathroom.
We expect that you understand the importance of using a shower chair if you have entered the post-hip replacement surgery period. Shower chairs bring so ease for the patients. They let you bath, toilet, or wash hair without infusing unwanted pressure on the knees and hips.
A range of shower chairs is available at the local medical stores. Choose the one that comes with arm rails and adjustable height options. Rest, place a non-slippery rubber mat, vertical and horizontal grabs, and a raised toilet seat in the bathroom. You can keep in touch with us, and more details on assuring successful post-hip replacement surgery will be shared on this web page. We hope that we have answered this question do you need a shower chair after hip replacement